Submission and Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. How can I make a contribution to the collection?

A. In person, by appointment for digital, or in an email attachment to

Q. What if I have photos that are not digital?

A. For appointments to discuss a special collection or for scanning, please call 517-265-1692.

Q. Who can submit images?

A. Individuals, school districts and organizations in Lenawee County
or others with content relating to Lenawee County.

Q. What types of images will be accepted?

A. Items in the following categories:
Photographs of; schools, post offices, churches, libraries, bridges, city halls, fire departments other buildings and landmarks

Q. What is your file naming convention?

A. Name files as you want them displayed.
Example: A picture of water tower in Deerfield,
name the file "deerfieldwatertower.jpg".

Note: You must be the copyright owner of any material submitted.
By submitting any images you agree that you are the
copyright owner and release rights for educational use.

Lenawee Web Photo Gallery
LISD/CEMaT Milton C. Porter Center
2946 Sutton Rd.Adrian, MI 49221

For more information, contact:

Images with children must have written consent from parent.